Outdoor Yoga Membership
Outdoor Yoga has rewards and an intensity 💥 that can exceed other styles ❄️ Awareness 🕵️♀️ of the elements ⛈ for preparedness with your best gear feels good during meditative movements realizing functional breath patterns. Welcoming the inherent worth & dignity of every person place thing & sentient being while respecting interconnected existence. Optimizing holistic health surrounded by nature prepared with good gear practicing mountain-side with views of Helena harmonizing Body, Energy, Mind, Intellect and Spirit🌈
Outdoor yoga at YT(T) is a, standing, class-like practice🧘♀️Sessions include warm-up, work and cool-down. The session begins by centering and swooping to warm-up. Next cycle, salute, stretch, stabilize and strengthen. A final relaxation in shavasana is helpful for cooling-down; ah, a(h)sana!
Recycle: reuse, refurbish, replace, repair and restore layering good gear depending on season and region😇 Rewarding yourself for participating barefoot as able upon the Earth utilizing quality footwear when needed😀 Occuring from Studio 18A Yoga Yard's Infinity lawn @ 18 South Harrison, Lower Level and or virtually. Occuring no more than 30 minutes at a time for a maximum of 60 min. per week Monday-Thursday; for example a person can schedule no more than 30 minutes twice a week or 15 minutes four times per week!
The YT(T) Home Studio & Personalized Retreat is located 4 blocks West of Downtown near the Mount Helena Trailhead, specific directions are located on the MAP & DIRECTIONS page🏡 A changing (bath)room 🚿 🚽 is available. Schedule per availability for the month by visiting the CONTACT US/SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT page, calling/texting (406)461-8845 and or emailng [email protected]🕛 Visit Sessions & Pricing for more information, choosing your best options!
Mango, coconut, pomegranite bowl - Mysore India.
Yoga Training (Touch), a Home Studio and Personalized Retreat provides organic and local when available😋. Contributing to the menu at YT(T) are tasty fresh is best, boiled is better than baked and never fried foods. Whole Plant Based Proteins (pulses and grains together) completely replenish amino acids. Carbohydrates (vegetables, grains and fruits) replenish vitamins and minerals. Lipids (seeds & nuts) help complete an intake of essential nutrients. Foods that which honor the dance of creation (Om Namah Shiviah)] are made fresh in the Yoga Training (Touch) kitchen❣️
Nori Wraps are a delicious YT(T) original containing 😎 fresh vegetables edamame (the #1 Super Food, a whole plant protein containing all 24 amino-acids), spinach, kale, cabbage, carrot and broccoli slaw, also available in rice paper wraps.
Protein Shakes (Ps, $6): whole fruits and or vegetables. No sugar added. I Good for 🌎Earth Firsting especially when you bring your own container, are made with fruit🍍and or blended with veggies.
Dahl at YT(T) is made with pulses (bean favorites are adzuki, black eyed peas, mung and split peas), traditionally made with legumes (red, brown and green lentils), with a proprietary blend of herbs and spices is a protein packed comfort food to sooth the soul.
Energy snacks are made with puffed rice, freeze-dried peas, seeds and nuts to satisfy chewy and crunchy cravings. Drink with water to stay hydrated.
Matcha chai 🍵 is a green-tea with a gentle energizing quality good for 💝celebrating life while waging/perfecting peace. Matcha-chai can be ordered "black" or "latte" style made with added protein powder and molasses. YT(T) foods harmonize🎊 body, energy, mind, intellect, and spirit❣️
NORI WRAPS/SPRING ROLLS (Nw/Sr, $6): A tasty dried sea vegetable usually found around Sushi, or Rice Wrap both are non-gluten with fresh vegetables inside.
DAHL (D, $5): Beans (pound for pound contain more protein than meat) and Quinoa or Rice (and or other whole grains), and Indian Spice including tumeric which helps prevent inflammation.
ENERGY SNACKS (Es, $2): Freeze-dried peas, puffed rice, seeds and nuts, can vary.
MATCHA CHAI GREEN TEA (Mc, $3.50/$2.50): Brewed tea with a proprietary blend of spices including cardamom and vanilla with or without protein powder and molasses or 100% juice.
PROTEIN POWDER (Pp, $1): 3 Tbs. of 'Now Organic Pea Protein Powder, Unflavored' and or Veg. unflavored protein powder.
MATCHA CHAI ENERGY POWDER (Mp) $2): 1 Tbs. Proprietary Blend of Matcha with vanilla, cardamom, coriander, cinnamon and ginger.
SPICES (Hot Curry blend Cb) $1): 2 Tbs. Proprietary blend with Turmeric, Ceyenne, cumin and coriander.
HERBS (Hb, $1): 2 Tbs Proprietary blend with dill, sage, celery, parsley and lemon balm, can very.
FOOD ITEMS: Per Availability. Items to go (bring your own reusable containers or recycle) or stay with Reservations for Indian Style Sitting with Satsung, whole hearted mindful discussions about Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle, and Ethics.
This All Inclusive format for $175 per 1/2 day, $350/full day, $700 a weekend, $1700 to Reserve for a week. With a +1 add 20%.
provides yoga, vegan (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veganism), plant based whole food, sustenance for Longevity-biologically-proficient-physical-body (Ana-maya-kosha) There is an array of Yoga Training (Touch) sessions (See Sessions/Descriptions & Pricing); personalized for your specific desires, wants and needs. Fresh from the Earth food for sustenance with satsang harmonizing body, energy, mind, intellect, and spirit in celebration of life while perfecting peace!
Accommodations are an all inclusive Personalized Retreat
destination including a shared bathroom, king sized Retreat Room, Yoga Therapy Studio/Office, Recreation/Practice Space. Kitchen/eating room with Indian style seating, pillows available, and two patios for enjoyment. The area is connected to the trail network of one of the nation's largest city parks, Mount Helena. Beautiful views of the cityscape and surrounding mountains in Big Sky Country are helpful for an holistic, all natural, experience!
Absorb the benefits of Yoga Therapy, Adventure Yoga, Basic Trainings, Specialty Sessions and Deeper Dimensions. Relax and Meditate while participating in a Yoga Training (Touch) & Personalized Retreat Inclusive. This therapeutic 'Half Day', 'All Day' or 'Weekend Retreat' stay is near historical Victorian neighborhoods, in the heart of the Rocky Mountains, Queen City of Helena Montana (MT).
Consultation(s) and assessment(s) occur upon arrival or via e-mail. To make reservations Contact Us via this website, e-mailing [email protected], and/or call/text 1-(406)461-8845 for Yoga with fresh from the Earth food, mountain air and picturesque views!
Sample Stay (examples in parenthesis)
Arrive Fri. @ 4 PM: consultation/assessments
Light dinner
Getting to know you and the Holistic Health (panchamayakosha) Yoga Philosophy (satsang)
Hygiene, books, and bed
Lights out
Saturday: Awaken, hygiene
Sun Salutations
First meal of the day
Break (explore the 'hood', relax, read)
Yoga session (Basic - training with touch)
Break (write, draw, journal, rest)
Yoga session (Vinyasa, Power yoga)
Break (explore trails; hike around)
2nd meal
Relax, nap, correspondence
Yoga session (Restorative)
Break (snack)
Yoga session (Partner)
Third meal
Break (gather, dance, play music, star gaze)
Moon Salutations
Hygiene, books & bed
Lights out
Depart Sunday by 11 AM: One YT(T) Session and meal provided on Sunday
Merry meet! And merry part And merry meet again!
- daizu is the Japanese word for soya...a complete protein... , bbcgoodfood.com, https://www.bbcgoodfood.com › soya-beans-glossary
- ...in Asia they've been eating them for thousands of years. ...developed specially to be eaten green., , illinoistimes.com, https://www.illinoistimes.com › springfield › Content
Soybeans and edamame, regardless of being the same plant, have...different flavors. Dec 27, 2021, mashed.com, https://www.mashed.com › what-is-edamame-and-what...
In Japan, immature unopened green soybeans are called edamame: their name is literally derived from eda, meaning “branch” or “stem,” and mame, or “bean.” Edamame on stems are rarely sold these days; today's shoppers are more likely to see just the edamame pods in markets.Jul 2, 2016, , kikkoman.com, https://www.kikkoman.com › foodforum › close-up-japan
Edamame (枝豆, /ˌɛdəˈmɑːmeɪ/) is a Japanese dish prepared with soybeans in the pod. The pods are boiled or steamed and may be served with salt or other condiments. - wikipedia.org, https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Edamame
must be cooked to eliminate lectins
- lectins are allergens which can be harmful.
Edamame contains significantly more vitamin K and folate than mature soybeans ( 3 ). In fact, if you eat a whole cup (160 grams), you will get around 56% of the DV for vitamin K and more than 100% for folate. Edamame is rich in several vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin K and folate.Apr 7, 2022 - https://www.healthline.com › nutrition › edamame-benefits
Edamame substitues:
- Mukimames. At the top of the list, Mukimames is a strange name, but it has the same root as Edamame; Fava Beans; Garbanzo Beans; Sugar Snap Peas; Lima Beans; Green beans - May 22, 2023, ohshecooks.com, https://ohshecooks.com › edamame-substitute
Lima beans are more starchy than edamame, edamame has a higher protein content. Both can be used in dishes like soups and stews. Feb 6, 2023, savorysuitcase.com, https://www.savorysuitcase.com › lima-beans-vs-edamame
Edamame (in the pod) looks like green beans, except they are flatter and (larger) https://www.livestrong.com › article › 447704-difference
Black soybeans (Kuromame) - Also known as Japanese Black Beans, Kuromame are a type of soybean with black skin and a white interior. These are not to be confused with black turtle beans used in Latin American food, which have a different texture and taste and are not interchangeable.Apr 24, 2023. norecipes.com, https://norecipes.com › kuromame-black-soybeans; Yellow soybeans - Producers typically use yellow soybeans to make soy milk, tofu, tempeh, and tamari, Black soybeans: Several Asian food cultures use simmered or fermented black soybeans in traditional dishes. medicalnewstoday.com, https://www.medicalnewstoday.com › articles
Soybeans: the basic facts; yellow soybean is the most common in terms of production quantity and varieties. Black soybeans are generally used to make simmered soybeans, often eaten as a part of the traditional Japanese New Year meal. otsuka.co.jp, https://www.otsuka.co.jp › about › encyclopedia › kinds
While Epicurious notes that the shells themselves aren't toxic, they are difficult to chew and will likely be a challenge to swallow and digest. This makes them inedible, in contrast to the succulent beans they come with.Jan 7, 2023 - tastingtable.com, https://www.tastingtable.com
Both soybeans and edamame have been linked to many health benefits and are rich in protein and many vitamins and minerals ( 11 , 12 ). They are also rich in phytoestrogens known as isoflavones. Nov 7, 2022, https://www.healthline.com › nutrition › foods-with-estro..youtube.com, https://www.youtube.com › watch
- According to the National Soybean Research Laboratory (NSRL), there are over 2,500 varieties of soybeans currently under cultivation. Real Food Encyclopedia - Edamame - FoodPrintfoodprint.org, https://foodprint.org › real-food › edamame
Traditionally edamame is blanched in lightly salted water and served from the pods, either warm or cold. Eating edamame is simple: Just squeeze the beans out of the pods into your mouth, and discard the shells in a separate bowl.Sep 28, 2021https://www.masterclass.com › articles › how-to-cook-an
Soybeans are (are pulses) classified as a legume. Other foods in the legume family are navy, kidney, string, black and pinto beans, chickpeas (garbanzo beans), lentils, carob, licorice, and peanuts. Sensitivity to one legume can often be in association with sensitivity to another legume. hopkinsmedicine.org, https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org › health › soy-allergy-.
- Eating edamame directly can decrease (toxic) green house gases which depurifiy the air when humans are carnivorous, sourcing nutrients from other animals. Edamame does not contain transfats which are found in animal products known to contribute to diseases (dukha) and along with smoking and drinking are an all cause mortality risk, especially true when sedentary, over consumption of transfats can be toxic and may decrease lifespans. - September 1, 2023 - Yoga Training (Touch) yogatrainingtouch.com, Kathryn Campbell C-IAYT, YA-CEP, E-RYT500, PT-ISSA
Any soybean must be cooked before consumption, as all raw soy protein (including tofu, soymilk, and edamame but not fermented including miso, tempeh, soy sauce and natto) is considered poisonous (have lectins). Cook whole edamame pods in boiling salted water for six to eight minutes, or until tender. The pods can also be steamed or microwaved, if you prefer. The beans...(are eaten) extracted from the pods...Nov 28, 2019, mindfood.com, https://www.mindfood.com › recipe › everything-you-ne...
- (In the US) Just over 70 percent of the soybeans grown in the United States are used for animal feed, with poultry being the number one livestock sector consuming soybeans, followed by hogs, dairy, beef and aquaculture.USDA Coexistence Factsheets - Soybeansusda.gov, https://www.usda.gov › sites › default › files › documents
Raw soybean seeds are difficult to digest because they contain what is called an anti-trypsin factor, a substance that inhibits protein digestion. Also, raw soybeans contain urease, an enzyme that breaks down urea into the more toxic substance ammonia. Non-Human-Food Uses for Soybean Crops | EcoFarming Daily ecofarmingdaily.com, https://www.ecofarmingdaily.com › grow-soybeans › hn.
If you do not have a condition that may worsen with edamame consumption, about 0.5-1 cup daily is good for your health. The following are some of the most common edamame benefits: Complete source of dietary protein: Edamame contains all 9 essential amino acids and is the only plant-based source of complete protein (Quinoa contains all essential amino acids too, while soy contains all non-essential aminos as well). Oct 5, 2021, medicinenet.com, https://www.medicinenet.com › article
- Like most other plant foods, the healthiest soy foods are the least processed. pcrm.org, https://www.pcrm.org › nutrition-information › soy-and-... (Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine)
Unless you have a soy allergy, edamame is likely safe to eat. Some people experience mild side effects, such as diarrhea, constipation, and stomach cramps. (7) This is most likely to occur if you're not used to eating fiber-rich foods on a regular basis (or have not cooked raw/unfermented varieties).everydayhealth.com, https://www.everydayhealth.com › diet-nutrition › diet
Edamame is a protein powerhouse: a cup of boiled, shelled edamame pods contains around 18.4 grams of protein. Nov 14, 2022. verywellfit.com, https://www.verywellfit.com › edamame-nutrition-facts-4